First, let’s look at all the good that juicing does. You certainly ingest a lot of nutrients, enzymes, and probiotics. Because juicing separates the fiber from the juices of the fruits and vegetables, the nutrients are instantly available. Many people find this to be a great benefit, especially those suffering from cancer, AIDS, or even chronic fatigue syndrome.
Juicing gives the digestive system a break because it doesn’t have to work very hard to break down food into its separate components in order to absorb nutrients into the body. The juicing machine did most of the work for you. The energy left unused is thought to be available now to cleanse, detox, and rebuild the body.
Another additional benefit is the alkaline-forming nature of juices. The American diet is powerfully acid-forming and our bodies respond by presenting in ever-growing numbers of disease states. Regular juicing is thought to improve all body functions.
The benefits of juicing seem to fix physical conditions like constipation, headaches, and hormonal balance problems. This sounds really great, and for some people juicing is an excellent step.
However, there are drawbacks to juicing that you need to know about before going out and spending a lot of money, because you can expect to spend several hundred dollars on a good juicer. You will also spend a lot of time shopping for huge quantities of fruits and vegetables because when you juice, you actually throw away some of the best parts of the plants. The soluble and insoluble fiber. The bulk of what you purchase is actually discarded.
Another problem with juicing is that the body is exposed to higher concentrations of natural sugars which can cause someone suffering from candida overgrowth a great many problems. Juicing also needs to be done separately from eating. Many people have found that eating a sandwich with their juice can leave them feeling very uncomfortable in an hour or so because the juices didn’t combine well with the meat and starches in the sandwich and they now feel bloated.
Before juicing, be sure you’re not suffering from any kind of yeast overgrowth and that your lower GI tract is healthy. This can be done with a saliva test. Then, look at juicing mostly vegetables in order to lessen the likelihood of developing a bacterial imbalance in the colon from the high concentration of natural sugars in fruit.